Day 1 of Paris(Part 1): Hotel 34B

Paris: the name itself brings the art and architecture to the mind(apart from the romance, of course!). When I was planning for my trip to Paris, I was gobbling up the information about the museums. The art in these museums and the commentary enraptured me to the extent that I actually scoured the guidebooks for… Continue reading Day 1 of Paris(Part 1): Hotel 34B

Lessons from first attempt at A to Z challenge

When I started this blog, I had an idea what I will use this blog for and that was to reflect on food, photography and travel stories. It, in my opinion, was a good way because I do have so much to tell. But then I struggled to even find the right pictures (sometimes even… Continue reading Lessons from first attempt at A to Z challenge

A to Z challenge for 2017: Theme reveal

The blog looks so deserted. I am actually feeling sorry and neglectful because I missed updating the blog. But I have a valid reason. I was learning the skill of photography. I like to think I have got better. Of course, I am nowhere near to good, but I have been growing slowly and steadily.… Continue reading A to Z challenge for 2017: Theme reveal